Worked with marketing teams in a variety of Baxter business groups to develop and manage strategic communication and public relations plans and drafted key messages to support the plan or address a specific business issue.
Developed and distributed internal and external communication pieces, including press releases, pitch letters, question and answer documents, website content and employee memos/voicemails.
Communications plan development, project management and content development for annual sustainability report.
Research and write 4-6 feature and news articles a month on behavioral health and cognitive science topics for APA’s monthly membership magazine, Monitor on Psychology and quarterly student publication, gradPSYCH.
Review scientific publications and conference proceedings to generate feature and news story ideas.
Collaborate with design department to develop art and photography to accompany articles.
Cover psychology-related conferences, including American Psychological Association's Annual Convention.Circulation: More than 150,000.
STAFF writer
Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association
Social media management
Content development
Research, pitch and write for several health- and wellness-related local and national publications and Web sites, including the monthly membership magazine of the American Psychological Association, Monitor on Psychology, the annual community health publication MdMD magazine and the senior living industry magazines McKnight's Long-Term Care News and McKnight's Senior Living
Provide copywriting services, blog posts and social media management for several health-related corporations and advertising agencies, including McKnights, Lamoille Health Partners and digital behavioral health firm Tridiuum.
Provide content editing, structural editing, copyediting and proofreading services for several clients, including McKinsey & Company, American Psychological Association and Northwestern University.